Software engineeringRestless Fingers vs. Restful ServiceMost of us have faced the situation when your average user just keeps pressing a button on the frontend and makes subsequent calls to a backend endpoint.
Software engineeringAsync/await vs Coroutines vs Promises vs CallbacksThis post covers 4 ways of implementing async continuations in JavaScript.
Software engineeringBuild Your Own Spotify App in React NativeYou will learn how to craft your own Spotify listing app with React Native — in a fast and efficient way.
Software engineering3 Project Takeaways: Complexity in Mobile DevelopmentAs you are already facing the project challenges of 2018, let us share with you 3 project takeaways from our side.
Software engineeringReducing Redux Action Import Hell with Namespaces in ES6Importing a lot of actions can be messy in a larger Redux app. Here are some tips to do it more clean and organized way.
Software engineeringMultiplatform design vs. brand-based design in React NativeLet's examine how to organize platform-specific style codes using React Native.
Software engineeringRemove console.log() Statements from Production JavaScript AppsThe good and the bad of console.log() statements
Software engineeringHandle errors like a rockstar in React 16+In September 2017 React 16 finally came out of beta bringing us some 🔥 exciting new features, like Fiber, DOM attributes, etc.
Software engineeringThemes in React and ReactNativeWhen developing a large scale app it is a good idea to build our own UI components. The styles should be factored out to be DRY.