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Build Your Own Spotify App in React Native


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You will learn how to craft your own Spotify listing app with React Native — in a fast and efficient way. You should know some JS to follow the workshop.

React Native Spotify app built in 2 hours

1st Steps

Quick Start

Follow the official quick start guide like this:

npm install -g create-react-native-app

create-react-native-app MyCoolSpotify

If you have trouble creating the app or installing dependencies, check out the deps branch from here:

cd MyCoolSpotify

a) Develop on Physical Device

yarn start

Install the Expo client app on your iOS or Android phone and connect to the same wireless network as your computer. Using the Expo app, scan the QR code from your terminal to open your project.

b) Develop on iOS Simulator

yarn run ios

Mac only, requires Xcode. Starts the development server and loads your app in an iOS simulator.

c) Develop on Android Emulator

yarn run android

Requires Android build tools. Starts the development server and loads your app on a connected Android device or emulator.

Let’s do Some React Native!

To boost the development download these 3 files to your src/api to easily use the Spotify API:

You can follow commits on the master branch here:

These commits come in small chunks and self descriptive commit messages.

Steps of Implementation

cde84b3 created app
e9ed502 added blog url
5d14c5c implemented JS interfaces for Spotify API
b02aae6 edited welcome text
06c17c3 created search component
b1f13a8 added basic stylings to search component
bfee0c8 converted serach to a controlled component
896b9ca added event handler to app and passed down to search
5ed5031 align app screen with flexbox
4a42be3 created basic stateless listing component
f8f04a0 integrated listing into app with mock data
73fba81 created and integrated simple stateless list item
c1d3887 aligned parts of list item with flexbox
63d6831 added separator to the list
70acf06 added some bottom margin to the search component
9c1b3c1 added infinite scrolling
bdefa58 added activity indicator
c8c4254 integrated search component
5195d1d integrate Spotify public API with authentication and authorization
d12ad28 fixed endless pagination when search returns 0 songs

Further Thoughts

Expo is capable of playing music, so it is possible to play a song’s preview. Spotify only provides us with the first 30 seconds of a song. The URL to the sound file is included in the search API response.

Can I use Expo in Production?

Expo is a great toolset for getting started with React Native development. But for production apps, in almost all cases there is a point in time, when the project has to be ejected from the Expo toolset. Therefore I would not recommend production development with Expo at all. This saves you a lot of compromises in regards of choosing the right libs.

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